Pimpinella pruatjan (Purwoceng)

Purwaceng, purwoceng, or antanan gunung (Pimpinella pruatjan) are medicinal plants for members of the Apiaceae tribe. This mountain plant is well known for the aphrodisiac properties (increases sexual desire) at its roots. During its development, the roots are usually processed in the form of a powder, a mixture of coffee or milk.

The physical appearance of Purwaceng is a small herb that grows horizontally above the ground such as Gotu kola and mountain clover but does not propagate. The leaves are small reddish-green with a diameter of 1-3 cm.

Purwaceng is only found in Java( Indonesia)]. Due to the low population and industrial demand, it is now increasingly rare because it only grows in high mountain areas. 

The area known to be still covered by purwaceng is the Dieng Plateau, Central Java. 

Other places where Purwaceng is reported to also grow is the Hyang Mountains (also known as Suripandak Abang) and the Tengger Mountains (known as Gebangan Dhepok). 

Use and effect

The purwaceng aphrodisiac properties had been noted by the court in Java. Scientific studies however have only begun in the present.

From various studies conducted by several domestic universities [need to be referred to], it is known that there is a real effect of giving purwaceng plants on increasing sexual ability. Therefore, Purwaceng is often referred to as "traditional Viagra" or "Indonesian Viagra" [citation needed].

As quoted from the results of a study by Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) researchers in 2007 [citation needed], all parts of the Purwaceng plant can be used as traditional medicine, but the most nutritious part is the root.

The Forestry Research and Development Agency also confirmed that the root has diuretic properties and is used as an aphrodisiac, namely medicinal properties that can increase or increase stamina [citation needed].

Generally, plants or plants that are efficacious as aphrodisiac contain saponin derivative compounds, alkaloids, tannins, and other compounds that are efficacious as body boosters and accelerate blood circulation.

The most active ingredients of Purwaceng are found in the roots, which resemble carrots and are white, about 10 cm long. Purwaceng root contains coumarin derivatives which are often used in the modern medical industry, but not for aphrodisiacs but for anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer properties [citation needed].

However, a study quoted from the book Myths About Sexual Problems and Reproductive Health, Saturday (23/1/2010) states that Purwaceng can increase sex drive, increase testosterone and increase the number of spermatozoids, which is powerful herbal medicine.

To get real benefits, Purwaceng must be drunk regularly for 7-15 days. In addition, this plant is also effective in warming the body, nerves, and muscles, eliminating colds and aches, smooth urination, analgesics (relieving pain), reducing heat, worm medicine, antibacterial and anti-cancer. The original Purwaceng has a distinctive taste, namely spicy, which is produced by the roots and seeds.

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