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Kutus Kutus Miniyak Balur

Our much-praised healing oil is a 100% natural herbal oil concocted from a mixture of over 69 selected premium organic herbs, plants, roots, and barks; prepared in a conventional traditional Balinese practice that promotes the healing process.

PRICE €44.00
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This smooth clear traditional herbal oil is made based on a local ancient secret formula that has been medically proven in improving your body condition by relieving body pains, and headaches. 


This oil is very safe to use directly in your areas of pain. Kutus Kutus oil will naturally activate your body's energy production, or "Chi", regaining balance and optimizing health. Chi itself is the life energy flowing within you, that keeps all systems and organs in good function.

Kutus Kutus is also capable of boosting your immune system, and cleansing your digestive system as well.





Contains: 69 selected Kutus Kutus premium local herbs, Coconut and Olive oil

Weight: 100ml



Farmer-Crafted: 100% natural products

Perfect for: Body pain, skincare, and skin diseases

Packaging: May vary   



Store in a dry place at room temperature (±24°C), and avoid direct sunlight. If frozen, warm up the bottle in warm water and wait until the texture is applicable to use.



36 months when sealed. 36 months once the product has been opened. For external use only.



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Read our customer reviews

Kutus Kutus

I used Kutus Kutus Healing Oil for the first time during my pregnancy. During pregnancy, I often experience itching, stretch marks and body aches. After using this, this is powerful enough to reduce itchy, although it doesn't remove stretch marks 100%, but it helps to fade the scars. it can also overcome body aches, and the fragrance is soft


Kutus Kutus Healing is very useful for daily use, if you are cough, flu, just apply it. Even for those who feel tired and not feeling okay, this oil is really helpful when used regularly.

Really Helpful Thanks

I recently bought my second bottle of the oil and absolutely LOVE IT! I have chronic back and neck pain from arthritis and degenerative disc disease. I get a lot of muscle spasms in my lower back. I refuse to take pain pills so I try everything I can to relieve my pain naturally.

Its a Natural way to help your pain!!!

The product is a life saver. Recently I fell twice on the same areas of my knee's and legs and was in a lot of pain. I didn't want to take the medication the ER gave me so my husbands physical therapist put some on me and left me some and it helped immediately. I bought a bottle that day. Its an AWESOME product!!!!


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